3.1 About this file

This screen displays all the bibliographical, legal and procedural information relating to a particular patent application.
You can also view the status of a patent application on this screen. It is displayed at the top of the list of information shown.

Immediately below the status section you will find details of the most recent event. This section contains information about bibliographical, legal and procedural changes in Register Plus.

Note: The "most recent event" entry displays changes in the Register.
The dates shown are not necessarily legal effect dates. Legal effect dates can be found under examination, appeal and opposition procedure.

Under publication you will find details about the type (A1, A2, A8, A9, B1, B2, B8, B9), number, date and language of the application.
The examination procedure section contains information about, for example, fee payments, withdrawal of the application and dispatch of the examination report.

In addition to all the relevant information about the patent grant procedure, you can also view information about the opposition and appeal procedures.
This is displayed in the bottom part of this view. If you want to see any former values (ie details of the "history" of the file), simply click the "Show History" button.