PreferencesFeedback form

If you already filled in our questionnaire, you can close this window by clicking the continue button.
Did you find the e-learning program for Online Fee Payment informative and useful?
Yes No
Were the various steps involved in Online Fee Payment described clearly?
Yes No
Was it easy to follow the menu and navigation elements?
Yes No
Should we provide an e-learning program for all epoline® products and services?
Yes No
Has using the e-learning program made you more receptive to the idea of electronic correspondence with the EPO?
Yes No
Having used the e-learning program, do you now intend to pay fees online?
Yes No
What, if any, improvements could we make to the program?
We hope you find this new e-learning feature useful. Should you have any questions, please contact EPO Procedural and Technical Support:

tel. : +31 70 340 45 00
fax: + 31 70 340 46 00