The technical content of patent documents is classified in accordance with the International Patent Classification (IPC). The IPC of a patent application is assigned by the publishing office in accordance with the version of the IPC which is in force at the time of publication of the application.
The complete IPC can be found on the Web site of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) at
The classification is made up of a letter, denoting the IPC section, followed by a number (2 digits), denoting the IPC class.
Optionally, the classification can be followed by a sequence comprising a letter, denoting the IPC subclass, a number (variable, 1-3 digits), denoting the IPC main group, a forward slash "/", and a number (variable, 1-3 digits), denoting the IPC subgroup.
Although on some documents the IPC symbol is printed with a blank after the fourth position, in the Online Register the symbol must be entered in the search field without any blanks.
Classification (IPC): B62
Classification (IPC): B62J
Classification (IPC): A47D15
Classification (IPC): B60N2
Classification (IPC): B60N2/28
Classification (IPC): A47D15/00 AND B60N2/28
Note: The Boolean operator AND is used implicitly in this field. For example, B60N2 B60N3 translates to B60N2 AND B60N3.