Tutorial PatXML > 3.4 Exercises

3.4 Exercises

To be sure that you fully understand the material so far, complete this test. Select the best answer. Your answers are private, and test results are not tracked.
Which of the following sections is not mandatory in a PatXML document?
Where is the Content Management button to be found?
On the Formatting Tab.
On the Insert Tab.
On the Standard Tab.
On the Contents tab.
Which one of these statements is false?
All inserted citations can be deleted by using the backspace button.
Insertion of new sections or headings is done with a right mouse click in Content Management.
Double-clicking on an item in the Content Management window closes the window and takes you directly to the item.
PatXML allows you to add BUT not delete sections in a patent document.
If you delete the Drawings section, you must also delete the figures as well. True or false?
Neither true nor false.
Partly true.
A pop-up window appears when you try to insert a citation. Why?
So that you can browse to the location of the citation.
So that you can enter the details of the citation.
So that you can see the list of existing citations.
So that you can log on to the internet.