Exercise 2:

You would like to prepare a batch payment using the EPO Online Multipay Tool,
comprising the following payments for the application numbers listed below:

  • EP98200003.6 - Opposition fee
  • EP98200002.8 - Appeal fee (with 20% reduction)
  • EP03076042.5 - Renewal fee for 7th year
Note: For this exercise, you will not have to type in the characters "E", "P" and ".".
In the EPO Online Multipay Tool itself, these characters have already been inserted and do not need to be typed in.

Your batch payment reference is "Multipay tutorial".
The name of the applicant is "Fee company" and your file reference is "12345".

Hint: Prepare the required XML file. The exercise is completed when you have saved
and confirmed your file and received a payment confirmation.

Please note that this is just a simulation of the real Online fee payment service.
In this area you can only do this exercise.
If you want to pay fees for other applications, please switch to the real Online fee payment service.

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