Priority number or priority date


The priority number is one or more of the application numbers for which priority rights are claimed.

The priority number is the same as the application number of the claimed priority patent document.


The priority number is made up of:


Priority number: GB19970003377

Priority number: FR19960006814

Priority number: JP19930185402

Priority number: US19990260426

Priority number: DE19961025214

Priority date: 19980826 - Retrieves patent applications having a priority document filed on 26/8/1998.

Priority date: 199808 - Retrieves patent applications having a priority document filed during August 1998.

Priority date: 1998 - Retrieves patent applications having a priority document filed during 1998.

Priority number: GB in combination with publication date: 19980826 - Retrieves patent applications having a GB priority and published on 26/08/1998.