Application number or filing date


The application number and application date (filing date) are assigned to a patent application when it is filed. The application number is different from the publication number, which is assigned when the patent application is published.


EPYYYYnnnnnn (i.e. year followed by 6 digits)

EPYYYYnnnnnnn (i.e. year followed by 7 digits)

WOYYYYCCnnnnn (i.e. year followed by a country code and 5 digits)


Application number: EP1988850217

Application number:EP19880850217

Application number: EP19970401165

Application number: WO1994JP01249

Application number: 99100026

Application number: 99100026.6

Application date: 19980826 - Retrieves patent applications filed on 26/8/1998

Application date: 199808 - Retrieves patent applications filed during August 1998

Application date: 1998 - Retrieves patent applications filed during 1998.

Note: The Boolean operator OR is used implicitly in this field. For example, EP1 EP2 translates to EP1 OR EP2.